

HSE Risk Management Services Private Limited accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for it in respect of any use of or reliance upon this Methodology by any third party.

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1.   Proposed Methodology

1.1.         Introduction

The Safety Report under Schedule 7 of The Manufacture, Storage And Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe operation and management of facilities handling hazardous substances. This report is mandated to assess and mitigate risks associated with these substances, safeguarding the well-being of personnel, the environment, and surrounding communities.

1.2.         Methodology

·      Introduction

Ø Objective: Clearly state the objective of the Safety Report: to ensure compliance with Schedule 7 requirements under the MSIHC Rules.

Ø Client Context: Briefly introduce the client and their facilities that will be covered in the Safety Report.

·      Facility Identification and Classification

Ø Identification Process: Identify and classify facilities within the client’s operations based on Schedule 7 criteria.

Ø Criteria for Classification: Explain the criteria used for classifying facilities under Schedule 7.

·      Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Ø Methodology for Hazard Identification: Describe the approach for identifying and assessing hazards associated with the client’s facilities.

Ø Risk Assessment: Evaluate risks using established methodologies (qualitative and quantitative) to assess consequences and likelihood.

·      Safety Management System (SMS) Review

Ø Existing SMS Evaluation: Assess the effectiveness of the client’s current Safety Management System (SMS) against Schedule 7 requirements.

Ø Gap Analysis: Identify any gaps or deficiencies in the SMS and propose enhancements for compliance and improved safety performance.

·      Emergency Preparedness and Response

Ø Emergency Planning: Develop and review emergency response plans specific to the facilities covered by Schedule 7.

Ø Training and Drills: Conduct training sessions and emergency drills to prepare personnel for potential emergencies.

·      Stakeholder Engagement

Ø Internal Stakeholders: Involve internal stakeholders (management, employees) in safety management and compliance efforts.

Ø External Engagement: Engage with regulatory authorities, emergency responders, and local communities regarding safety measures and compliance updates.

·      Documentation and Reporting

Ø Documentation Requirements: Gather and organize necessary documentation for compliance with Schedule 7, including the preparation of the Safety Report.

Ø Data Validation: Validate collected data to ensure accuracy and reliability in reporting and compliance.

·      Quality Assurance and Improvement

Ø Quality Control: Implement measures to ensure the quality and reliability of safety data and compliance documentation.

Ø Continuous Improvement: Commit to ongoing improvements in safety practices and compliance with Schedule 7 regulations based on findings and feedback.

·      Conclusion

Ø Summary: Recap the methodology used to develop the Safety Report under Schedule 7, emphasizing compliance, safety enhancement, and client satisfaction.

Ø Next Steps: Outline the timeline and deliverables for completing and delivering the Safety Report, including any follow-up actions or reviews.


1.3.         Guideline Used for Safety Report - Schedule 7
·     The Manufacture, Storage And Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989

1.4.         Software to be used

·      Not Applicable.