
The purpose and methodology of a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study, which is a structured and systematic technique aimed at identifying potential hazards and operational problems in industrial processes. Here's a breakdown of your key points:

  1. Primary Purpose:
    The primary goal of a HAZOP Study is to identify hazards and operability problems in order to reduce the probability and consequences of incidents. This ensures the safety of personnel, protection of plant assets, and prevention of environmental damage while also safeguarding the company's reputation.

  2. Impact Areas:
    The study focuses on potential risks that can affect:
    Personnel safety

Plant operations

Properties and assets

Environmental protection

Corporate reputation

  1. Study Methodology:

The HAZOP study involves a well-defined method to organize, record, and analyze risks.

It guides HAZOP team members as well as other project members on the approach.

The methodology is based on international benchmarks and best practices to ensure consistency and thoroughness in the analysis.

Methodology Link: https://www.hse-rms.com/blog/methodology-for-hazard-&-operability-stud