


HSE Risk Management Services Private Limited accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for it in respect of any use of or reliance upon this Methodology by any third party.

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1.      Proposed Methodology

1.1.   Introduction

The purpose of this guideline is to provide a systematic and objective approach to assessing hazards and their associated risks that will provide an objective measure of an identified hazard as well as provide a method to control the risk. It is one of the general duties as prescribed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) for the employer to provide a safe workplaces to their employees and other related person.

The purpose of HIRARC is as follows: -

  • To identify all the factors that may cause harm to employees and others (the hazards);

  • To consider what the chances are of that harm actually be falling anyone in the circumstances of a particular case and the possible severity that could come from it (the risks); and

  • To enable employers to plan, introduce and monitor preventive measures to ensure that the risks are adequately controlled at all times.

1.2.   Methodology

Process of HIRARC requires 4 simple steps -

a. classify work activities;

b. identify hazard;

c. conduct risk assessment (analyses and estimate risk from each hazard), by calculating or estimating -

i.        likelihood of occurrence, and

ii.   severity of hazard;

Decide if risk is tolerable and apply control measures (if necessary).

Hazard Evaluation is carried out to identify the hazard that exists, the consequences that might occur as a result of hazards, the likelihood that events might take place that would impact an accident with such a consequence, and the likelihood that safety system, Mitigating systems and emergency alarms and evaluation plan would function property and eliminate or reduce the Consequences.

Figure 1:HIRARC Methodology Flow sheet


1.3.   Guideline Used for HIRARC Study

1.4.   Software to be used